API Changes> State targeting for USA, new API limits and web reputation check

Added support for targeting probes with state level accuracy

We have added optional input StateCode parameter to those methods:


Currently only probes located in the USA can be targeted on state level. The API response will also contain StateCode (e.g. VA) and also State (e.g. Virginia) if you request CountryCode=US.

Added new limits on the number of probes you can request test from To avoid abuse we have added limits to how many probes you can request results at the same time in 1 API call. This is controlled by the probeLimit parameter which is required.

Here are the maximum values allowed for different tests.

PING – 100
DIG – 100

If you require those limits to be lifted, please contact us.

Added web reputation services for HTTP tests

To avoid abuse and protect the probes from accessing risky content, we have added white and black lists that will be checked for all HTTP tests (e.g. HTTP GET or Page load). Following errors can happen>

StatusCode: 221
StatusDescription: Destination blocked Message: “This URL destination has been marked as risky by our web classification engine. We are unable to test this URL. ”

StatusCode: 222
StatusDescription: Destination not classified Message: “This URL destination has not been classified by our web classification engine. We are unable to test this URL at this time. Please contact support to whitelist this URL”

API improvements

We have deployed few new improvements to the API.

Changes to default timeout and commandTimeout

We have changed default timeout and commandTimeout parameters to maximize the number of returned results and minimize the timeouts on probes (of course you can set any time out as you want by specifying those parameters)

timeout 8000
commandtimeout = 1000

timeout = 4000
commandtimeout = 1000

timeout 52000
commandtimout 1000

timeout 8000
commandtimeout = timeout – 3000

timeout 45000
commandtimeout = timeout – 3000

Global error handler. Supported errors in the HTTP Header
To better understand returned results from the API we are now returning more information about the possible API problesms right in the HTTP Header.

Some of the new Status Codes:
200 – OK
500 – Unexpected Error from the API side
520 – Errors related with the empty results

If HTTP Status Code is <> from 200, then we also respond with [Message] element in the response body that will provide more user friendly message what the error is about.

Changes in the data output model

We are returning only objects which are currently in use. Objects as PING / HTTPGET etc are hidden for DIG. And the same rules exists for the others type of tests

e.g based on results for DIG OLD RESPONSE:

"StartDIGTestByCountryResult": [ { "ASN": { "AsnID": "AS12741", "AsnName": "Netia SA" }, "CDNEdgeNode": null, "Country": { "CountryCode": "PL", "CountryFlag": "http:\/\/speedcheckerapi.blob.core.windows.net\/bsc-img-country-logos\/pl.png", "CountryName": "Poland" }, "DIGDns": [ { "AdditionalInformation": null, "Destination": "www.broadbandspeedchecker.co.uk", "QueryTime": "13", "Status": "NoError" } ], "DateTimeStamp": "\/Date(1435158434263+0000)\/", "HTTPGet": null, "ID": 31658310, "Location": { "Latitude": 50.320525, "Longitude": 19.132328 }, "LoginDate": null, "Network": { "LogoURL": "https:\/\/speedcheckerapi.blob.core.windows.net\/bsc-img-providers\/logo_0039_ef7487217cc7_60.jpg", "NetworkID": "226", "NetworkName": "Netia SA" }, "PAGELoad": null, "Ping": null, "PingTime": null, "TRACERoute": null } ]


"StartDIGTestByCountryResult": [ { "ASN": { "AsnID": "AS197480", "AsnName": "SerczerNET Malgorzata Nienaltowska" }, "Country": { "CountryCode": "PL", "CountryFlag": "http:\/\/speedcheckerapi.blob.core.windows.net\/bsc-img-country-logos\/pl.png", "CountryName": "Poland" }, "DIGDns": [ { "Status": "OK", "Destination": "www.broadbandspeedchecker.co.uk", "QueryTime": "1" } ], "DateTimeStamp": "\/Date(1435150848253+0000)\/", "ID": 17854019, "Location": { "Latitude": 53.29718, "Longitude": 23.28092 }, "Network": { "LogoURL": null, "NetworkID": "3362", "NetworkName": "SerczerNET Malgorzata Nienaltowska" } } ]

New properties available for probe results

For all probe results we added new property: Status

Status: OK, Timeout , TtlExpired (+ potentially other statuses added in the future)

For Ping and Traceroute we added also PingTime array, which can be useful to calculate standard deviations and other statistical analysis of the individual pings that were performed.

Ping Response "Ping": [ { "Status": "OK", "Destination": "www.interia.pl", "Hostname": "www.interia.pl", "IP": "", "PingTime": 12, "PingTimeArray": [ "13", "11", "12" ] } ]

Traceroute response

"TRACERoute": [ { "Destination": "www.interia.pl", "HostName": "www.interia.pl", "IP": "", "Tracert": [ { "HostName": "", "IP": "", "PingTimeArray": [ "1", "0", "0" ], "Ping1": "1", "Ping2": "0", "Ping3": "0", "Status": "OK" }, { "HostName": "", "IP": "", "PingTimeArray": [ "42", "31", "33" ], "Ping1": "42", "Ping2": "31", "Ping3": "33", "Status": "OK" }, { "HostName": "interia.tpix.pl", "IP": "", "PingTimeArray": [ "12", "14", "11" ], "Ping1": "12", "Ping2": "14", "Ping3": "11", "Status": "OK" }, { "HostName": "", "IP": "", "PingTimeArray": [ "11", "11", "11" ], "Ping1": "11", "Ping2": "11", "Ping3": "11", "Status": "OK" }, { "HostName": "www.interia.pl", "IP": "", "PingTimeArray": [ "12", "11", "13" ]", "Ping1":"12", "Ping2":"11", "Ping3":"13", "Status":"OK"}]}]}